The Q.D. Kid’s Club is registered with Ofsted and offers before and after school care for Queen’s Drive School children during term time only.
Places are offered on a first-come first served basis. When all places have been filled a waiting list will be established, as soon as a suitable place becomes available parents will be informed.
The club offers a variety of activities, art and craft theme weeks, snooker, table tennis, baking, construction toys, board games, role play areas and a quiet corner for the children to read. When the weather is favourable the children also have the opportunity for outdoor play as well!
The Breakfast Club operates from 7:15am – 8:50 am with breakfast available in the Infant hall until 8.15am.
The After School Club runs from 3:25pm – 6pm with an afternoon snack and drink.
Session rates are as follows:
Breakfast Club – £5 (per session.)
After School Club – £8 (per session)
If you are interested in applying for a place at Q.D. Kid’s Club, please fully complete:
· a registration form
· a signed terms and conditions
· a medical form and return to the mailbox: [email protected]
Confirmation of a place in the club will be made by email, along with the monthly fees that are payable. Once booked, if a child does not attend for any reason, you will be charged for the place. If you wish to cancel the place altogether, one months’ notice in writing is required.
We ask that the first payment of fees is made by the 1st July to hold your place. If fees are not paid, it will result in the child’s place being withdrawn.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Kids Club.
Meet The QD Kids Club Staff.
QDKC Manager After School Club - Miss Laura Cowburn
QDKC Manager Breakfast Club – Mrs Helen Brewer
QDKC Finance leader – Mrs Vickie McBride
Mrs Brewer
Mrs Reynish
Mrs Riding
Mrs Moss
Miss Mahoney
Mrs Bargit
Mrs Kusnierek
Miss Kusnierek
Mrs Patel
Miss Nelson
Mrs Cowburn
Mrs Valli
The co-ordinator’s contact email is – [email protected]