Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Farrell
Mrs Cooke
Mrs Boyes
Welcome to Year 3 and KS2
Hello, and Welcome to Year 3! We hope you have had a relaxing summer holiday and are looking forward to all the exciting things we will be doing in Year 3 this year.
Class 7 teacher is Mrs Cooke
Class 8 teachers are Mrs Farrell (Monday-Tuesday) and Miss Boyes (Wednesday-Friday)
Year 3 Teaching Assistants are Mrs Barraclough, Mr Birkinshaw, Mrs Brewer and Mrs Machin and Mrs Mahoney
Important to note….
- Reading books and diaries need to be in every day. Your child will change their reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Please keep your child’s reading book safe and keep in the plastic reading bag provided as any lost or damaged books will have to be paid for.
- We are encouraging daily reading – please comment on pages read and sign to show your child has read their book with you.
- Please ensure your child does not wear earrings on PE days. Year 3 are swimming in Autumn 1 and therefore only have one PE day. Class 7 PE day is Friday. Class 8 PE day is Wednesday.
- Ensure your child’s uniform is clearly labelled
- Children need to bring in a clear water bottle that has a sports cap filled with water only every day.
- Parent app is our main communication with parents
- Seesaw is our home learning platform.
- Achievements will take place in the hall assembly every Friday and if your child wins a certificate they can wear their own clothes on Monday.
We look forward to working with you over the year.
The Year 3 team.
Year 3: Blog items
Proud Preston, by Mrs Gomersall
Shared Reading for Pleasure, by Mrs Gomersall
Young Biologists, by Mrs Gomersall